Monday, June 3, 2013

I'm back!!

Obviously, I would much rather be at my sewing machine than on the computer, if the amount of time since my last posting says anything about it.
I have been busy making weighted blankets (thanks to those of you who have ordered!).  There have been a few pads and a snake or two made, but the majority has been blankets.
I've found a new place to get some of my fabrics that I am very excited about.  I now have in my stash a piece of fabric with dolphins WITH SUNGLASSES ON!! So fun... 
I don't buy much of each print because I like to use a variety of prints (ok, mostly I like SHOPPING for new fabrics...). 

Here are a few of my latest pads, blankets or snakes:

Who let the DOGS out?!
Emergency Vehicles-
Cars and trucks, and things that go BEEP!
Here fishy fishy!
a Polka Dotted Snake!
Hello Kitty!